Started by farmers, Graze Against The Machine grassroots movement is attempting to bring the true voice of farmers to the streets while shedding light on farm policies that favor Big Ag instead of small and under-served farms that do the right thing to support their local community and the environment.
Indigenous communities around the world have used complex and honorable regenerative practices for thousands of years. They are the true keepers of the meaning of regenerative farming . We must listen to the wisdom they choose to share with us so we can learn what regenerative really means in order to adapt our farming practices to counter climate inaction and environmental destruction.
Graze Against The Machine is grassroots movement started by farmers from Africa, Europe and North America in direct response to Big Ag hijacking farming for their own profit. The movement is also directed at the government entities that support farm policies that favor big corporate interests instead of small and under-served farms that are doing the right thing to support their local community and the environment.
The movement brings together farmers and activists on 3 continents and includes ways for you to take action, the #GATMStreets sticker-tagging campaign to combat misinformation and the voices of farmers and activists involved in taking back the power from Big Ag.
Lies and deceptive statements. The CEO of Bayer, producer of Round-Up, an herbicide proven to cause cancer (non-hodgkins lymphoma), recently proclaimed “Our portfolio will deliver future innovations with regenerative agriculture at the core…”. Bayer is interested in profits, not in promoting indigenous practices that can truly make a difference to climate and natures biodiversity. A grassroots movement like #gatm is one way small farms can compete with Big Ag's deception. Farmers need help combating the big budget misinformation marketing of Big Ag.
Farmers are tired to the point of exhaustion trying to counteract statements like Bayer’s and the huge Big Ag marketing budgets that help them spread disinformation about regenerative farming. We can't do it alone, we need YOU to join this grassroots movement.
Here are some ways for you to take action.
100% of the profits on shirt sales go to regenerative farmers. Proceeds from the South African Communal Farming t-shirt go to Farmer Ashell, while proceeds from Graze Against The Machine shirt sales go the Farmer Mike
Graze Against The Machine stickers are offered at cost, you only pay the fulfillment company (Redbubble) what it costs us to print and ship them to you.